Santa' Gift
A New Christmas Story
Dedicated to the T. M. Hardy Family
It was just before Christmas
You could see all the signs
There was tinsel and eggnog
And frost on the pines
But amongst all the hubbub
And the standing in lines
Little Tom Junior
Was trying to find
A gift for young Matty
His brother, just five
As he shopped through the stores
He thought long and hard
Maybe Matty would like
A ball to play in the yard
Maybe a toy train
Or a soldier that guards
Why is choosing the right
Gift always so hard
Tom Junior decided
To try a new store
Maybe the right gift
Means searching some more
As he stepped outside
And looked 'cross the street
Young Tom caught a glimpse
Of a face he should meet
There on a bench
Bundled up from the cold
Was a man in small glasses
Who looked pretty old
His beard was all gray
White, truth be told
Maybe this nice man knows
Were good gifts are sold
Tommy stepped up
To give him his name
When he said, "Hello Tommy,
It's nice to see you again."
Tommy was surprised
At the extent of his fame
How could this old man
Know his name just the same?
The old Man just smiled
And said, "I know many things
I know the toy wishes
That this season brings
I know the meaning
Of the five golden rings
I hear every time
The church choir sings
'O Holy Night'
And I've met the Three Kings."
Tommy was a brave
Precocious young child
And there was something familiar
When this old man smiled
Beneath all the gruff
The old man’s spirit was mild
So Tommy spoke up,
“I need the perfect gift
Something my little
Brother Matty can lift
A toy he enjoys
And plays with, so if
You have a suggestion
I will give him that gift.”
The old man leaned back
And squinted his eyes
Saying, “The best gift at Christmas
Is a word from the wise
And is not purchased with money,
You may be surprised.”
Tommy cried, “What is this gift
And where is it found?
I’ve searched in every
Store that’s around.”
The old man said, “It’s not
In any store” as he frowned.
“Make sure you remember
And to your brother pass on
Christmas has meaning
That goes far beyond
Trees and tinsel and garland
And presents at dawn
It’s more than reindeer
More than the good food
It’s bigger than carols
And the holiday mood
It’s even more, than your
Gathered family brood
Christmas exists
For only one reason
That has little to do
With the time, place, or season
It is the joy we are given
By the birth of the Son”
“Now I am an old Saint
And there is but one thing I fear
That young children forget
To hold Christmas so dear.”
Tommy nodded and whispered
Into the old man’s ear
“I’ll never forget
The meaning won’t disappear.”
The old man smiled broadly
And patted Tommy’s head
He rose quickly up
To his feet as he said,
“Your gift is for me,
Because I no longer dread
That Christmas is lost
To Songs, Stuffing, and Sleds.”
Tommy smiled back
And turned to move on
The worry he had
About gifts was now gone
His thoughts were now
On the Christmas beyond
As he looked again for the man
To wave him goodbye
The old man had vanished
In the blink of an eye
Tommy now understood
And said with a sigh,
“Merry Christmas Santa
I’ll remember my whole life.”
A Gift to Remember
Merry Christmas
- Huckleberry
© 2006