Friday, October 06, 2006

Mr. Foley

What more is there to say? Although I am rarely known to be at a loss for words, the events of the last week cause my jaw to hang slack and agape. Suffice it to say that if there was any coddling amongst the Republican leadership—for personal difference, professional courtesy, political expediency, or any other form of complicity—there will be hell to pay. I do not wish ill upon the Grand Ole Party. Far from it. But repercussions will have been well earned and will no doubt be enthusiastically netted out by the media, the left, and (our normal and natural allies) the righteous. I will remain confident in the long standing GOP tradition of taking out our own trash and dealing relatively swiftly with those who stray too far into kook-ery, crook-ery, and vice (oh, my). If only the left side of the aisle had such decorum and sense of propriety. Rather, they think us fools that we cling to such things and constantly attempt to use our own morality and--at times as this--shame against us.

It is yet to be determined what number of victims and/or underage collaborators there may be. They will need healing as well and a measure of justice appropriate to the offence. As for the wayward Mr. Foley? I do wish him peace and healing. But it will be a long time before we can forget and recover from the damage he has so foolishly wrought upon individuals, his office, and his party through his narcissism and self-destructive tendencies.

- Huckleberry

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